Another Happy Customer
Another lucky customer took delivery of this Wurlitzer 2400 built in 1960 and lovingly restored by us. What a beauty.
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Simon Cooper contributed a whooping 61 entries.
Another lucky customer took delivery of this Wurlitzer 2400 built in 1960 and lovingly restored by us. What a beauty.
Our container has now been unloaded and the shop is again looking full. Some of these are sold but we still have many jukeboxes available including AMi H200. AMi I200. Wurlitzer 1100, 2300, 2400, 2500, Rock Ola 1448, 1454 and lots more. I’m afraid all of the 1700, 1800 and 1900 Wurlitzers were sold before […]
Here is an image you don’t see very often. A side by side image of a Ditchburn Music Maker P200 and an AMi I200. They are both beautiful in their own way and both have gone to their owners. The P200 was a customers own machine which came in for a restoration and the AMi […]
We have a container loaded with jukeboxes arriving from the USA early in July and although many are already sold there are still some jukes left. Take a look at our Unrestored Jukeboxes page to see more details of what we have arriving. This nice AMi I200 is one:
We’ve been busy restoring and delivering and have neglected the News Feed for a while so I thought it’s time to share something with you all. We didn’t get pictures of the AMi H200, Wurlitzer 1700, 1800 and 2300, NSM Satellite’s and City 2 or the Rock Ola 1448 that we have delivered since Christmas […]
This Rock Ola 1448 was the last of our 2016 deliveries. It blew a fuse on Christmas Eve and our engineer John from JBS Jukebox Services saved the day yet again, making sure that the Christmas season was full of music for this happy customer.
This NSM Prestige was delivered just before we closed for Christmas and new year and promptly sheared it’s clutch shaft before New Years Eve but our engineer went and got the customer up and running again for the big party. Thanks to John from JBS Jukebox Services and this little juke, we made sure the party […]
This is a great little 1970’s Deutsche Wurlitzer Baltic we delivered just in time to play all those Christmas tunes and get the New Years Party going.
This beautiful Rock Ola Empress was recently delivered and installed by us to a customer just outside Dublin. Built in 1962 these were the last of the truly collectable visual play Rock Ola’s. Rest assured the Craic will be Mighty at their house this Christmas.
What a treat for the festive season. Just what a house needs to brighten up those winter nights. This Wurlitzer 1800 will certainly added a little extra magic to Christmas dinner.