Entries by Simon Cooper

More Machines in the USA Warehouse

We are buying in the States again and have just added four jukeboxes to the warehouse in the USA. We will be hoping to do a container before next summer so keep an eye out for new machines we are adding. We have a beautiful Wurlitzer 800 78rpm jukebox which has been in private ownership […]

Three More Jukeboxes Brought Into Stock

We have added three more new arrivals to the unrestored jukeboxes section of the website so take a look at the page by clicking this link: unrestored-jukeboxes Two are nice 1950’s jukeboxes that were restored many years ago and we have bought back. The other is a Wurlitzer ‘One More Time’ 1015 reproduction but is the […]

Beauty Comes In Small Packages

This Rock Ola Princess from 1962 is the baby sister to the larger Empress machines of the same year. In pinks and mauves with plenty of chrome, she really is a pageant queen. We are currently restoring this model and have added pictures to the restored jukeboxes section of the website. Take a look and as […]

Wurlitzer 2100 & AMi J200 Added To The Website

Just added to the website is a Wurlitzer 2100 which we had previously restored for a customer. It is dusty and needs a good service but is a lovely example of one of the most collectable Wurlitzer’s you can buy. We have also added an AMi J200 which is now stripped and in progress. Take […]

Rock Ola Tempo bought back and added to the website

This Tempo Two 120 was restored by us a few years ago and will need a service but we have added it to our website in the restored jukeboxes section because it is a great working example for someone who doesn’t want to wait for a new full restoration. Give us a call on 01384 […]

More Jukeboxes Added To Our Website

We have been busy trying to restore and deliver for customers during the lockdown and now we are getting back to some kind of normality we thought we’d share some new additions. We recently took back a couple of Rock Ola’s which are still in the beautiful restored condition we supplied them. I have added […]

Our Latest Container Is Loaded

Our latest container full of jukeboxes is on it’s way from New York (with a few extra items for people who have bought space on our container). All available items are in the unrestored jukeboxes section of the website.  

Still Busy Restoring

Here at The Jukebox Shop we may not be able to open the showroom at the moment but we are still taking telephone enquiries and orders for jukeboxes as the workshops still restore ready for delivery as soon as we can. We thought we’d share a couple of quick photographs of an amplifier that has […]

Our Latest Container Has Arrived

We unloaded our latest container from the states and have a shop full of unrestored machines ready for someone to snap up. 8 jukeboxes were already sold and two of the Wurlitzer 1700’s that arrived are already in bits being restored. It’s always busy here!